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University News

In October of 1970, eight women known as the Fontbonne 8 staged an overnight lock-in at the Jack C. Taylor Library for one weekend to peacefully protest the treatment of Black students at the university. In an effort to achieve racial equality on campus, they wrote the Black Manifesto, which contained a list of demands...
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On Wednesday, February 11, nearly 100 people attended a virtual town hall on St. Joseph Educational Ministries (SJEM), hosted by the province. During this hour-long presentation, representatives from the Sisters of St. Joseph (CSJ) and the schools shared what SJEM means for them and how CSJ spirituality is lived out on their campuses. You can...
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Multicultural Affairs Director
Fontbonne recently named Deanna Williams as its Director of Multicultural Affairs. This is a new role for her, but Deanna’s relationship with Fontbonne began years ago. She graduated with a degree in communication in 2014 and came back as a graduate assistant while pursuing her master’s at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Now that she’s...
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The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet of the St. Louis province are proud of the five educational institutions they founded and want to see their impact on Catholic education continue for generations to come. To achieve this goal, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet are taking an innovative step, empowering the laity to...
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As a Catholic institution founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Fontbonne has instilled important values such as integrity, diversity, service, community, respect, and faith in thousands of students. In recognition of National Catholic Schools Week, an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States beginning the last Sunday in January, we...
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Griffin wearing mask
Dear Fontbonne Community, As you may have seen in the news, states are now beginning to receive more vaccines from the federal government and they, in turn, are delivering more vaccines to county health departments and other local vaccine providers. This is great news but unfortunately, the process is slow-moving and it will take some...
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Five years after retiring from her role as senior director of volunteer recruitment at Big Brother Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri, Fontbonne alumna Vivian Gibson was cleaning her home office when she stumbled upon a stack of memories, musings and motifs she had written over the years. Instead of shredding them like she had planned,...
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Fontbonne University has announced a partnership with CyberUp, a national nonprofit organization committed to cultivating the cybersecurity talent pipeline for today and tomorrow. The innovative partnership with CyberUp will allow Fontbonne to provide cybersecurity students with preeminent training and real-world experience. While earning their bachelor’s degrees in cybersecurity, students will attend CyberUp’s pre-apprenticeship course to...
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Dr. Zahid Anwar, associate professor in Fontbonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Department, was recently invited to contribute to Authority Magazine’s series about “5 Things You Need to Know to Optimize Your Company’s Approach to Data Privacy and Cybersecurity.” Authority Magazine is a Medium publication that shares leadership lessons from authorities in business, technology, sports and...
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