Many professionals realize after college that their true calling is teaching. If you hold a degree in areas outside of education but have felt the call to teach, the Master of Arts in Teaching is the key to entering the career you want and obtaining the teaching certification you need. Fontbonne has a long history of educational excellence, and our program is well respected for its comprehensive approach.
Realizing your desire to teach is a career enhancement that offers personal and professional benefits, and the faculty at Fontbonne is committed to supporting your success in the classroom and beyond.
In appreciation of the services offered to our community by educators at all levels, Fontbonne University offers a 15 percent discount to qualified individuals enrolled in graduate coursework.
Qualified educators include those who work at least half-time in a nursery school, a pre-K through 12 school system or post-secondary institution.
A discount application form is available from the Fontbonne admission representative or program director with whom you are working. The form must be completed each semester or enrollment term to receive the discount.