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Student Consumer Information

The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), requires Fontbonne University to disclose information to potential and currently enrolled students and prospective and current employees. This Fontbonne University web portal provides a single access point for required disclosures regarding (but not limited to) general statistics about the institution, financial assistance (including loans), athletic participation, campus security, student rights and responsibilities, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act at Fontbonne University. Additionally, this information is provided to avoid any and all misrepresentation of our educational programs, financial charges and employability of our graduates.

Please review all the contents below for complete and transparent disclosure about our institution.

Fontbonne University students and staff will have 24/7 access to the contents of this web page and these disclosures; additionally, Fontbonne will inform its students and staff of this information at least one time per year by sending an email announcement to each student and staff via the Fontbonne-issued email account.

Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information

Fontbonne University provides dynamic and accessible educational opportunities that empower our students and enrich our communities. We are proud of our tradition and welcome inquiries about our programs and services. The Student Consumer Information regulations of the United States Department of Education require universities to provide students access to certain information to which they are entitled as consumers. It is Fontbonne’s intention to provide complete and easy access to any information students need.

If Fontbonne is your choice for fulfilling a college career and a rewarding future, you should not be held back because of limited funds. Fontbonne University believes all students who qualify for admission should have equal access to its programs through financial aid. Although primary financial responsibility for your education rests with you and your family, Fontbonne University will do its best to bridge the gap between what it costs and what you can afford to pay.

A description of each financial aid program available at Fontbonne University, an explanation of how financial aid is awarded, and additional financial aid information can be found online at:

Contact information for assistance in obtaining institutional or financial aid information

The Financial Services Office is located in Ryan Hall on the Fontbonne campus. The office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you have any questions, please contact us at (314) 889-1414 or email at

Additional inquiries about the college, including academic programs and admissions, may be directed to or the Office of the President at (314) 889-1419.

Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records; establishes the rights of students to inspect and review their education records; and provides guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading data, the right to consent to disclosures of personal information and the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Fontbonne University to comply with the FERPA requirements. The law applies to all schools receiving funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Once students have enrolled in course work at Fontbonne University, FERPA rights transfer to the student, regardless of the student’s age. An authorization to disclose any educational record to any person (including a parent) must be initiated by the student. More information about the authorization procedure and FERPA may be requested in the Registrar’s Office.

A complete description of Fontbonne’s FERPA policy may be found online at

More information from the U. S. Department of Education about FERPA is available online at


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) sets standards to protect the confidentiality of health information. However, the HIPAA Privacy Rule excludes from its coverage those records protected by FERPA at school districts and postsecondary institutions that provide health or medical services to students. This is because Congress specifically addressed how education records should be protected under FERPA. For this reason, records protected by FERPA are not subject to the HIPAA Privacy Rule and may be shared with parents under the circumstances described here.

The ADA and Access Office obtains and maintains health records for each student who applies for services, so the receipt and maintenance of health records is well established. In addition, if a financial aid recipient is unable to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) due to medical reasons, the Financial Services  Office may request documentation of the medical condition through the SAP Appeal process. This information will be reviewed by an exclusive SAP Appeal committee and then maintained in the student’s financial aid file for safe-keeping.

See also for joint guidance on FERPA and HIPAA, and for more information on HIPAA, see the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website HIPAA regulations are published as 45 CFR Parts 160, 162, and 164.

Safeguarding Student Information

As required by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act issued by the Federal Trade Commission, Fontbonne has safeguards in place designed to ensure the security and confidentiality of student information, protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such information, and protect against unauthorized access to or use of such information that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any student.

Student Diversity

One of Fontbonne’s strengths is the diversity of our student body. The most recent Fontbonne student profile report can be accessed online at

Price of Attendance

The most current tuition and fee schedule is available online at

College Affordability Website

The U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency Center contains information for students and parents about costs at America’s colleges. The website has the College Scorecard which displays the typical student cost, graduation rate, loan default rate and median borrowing amount for each college:

Tuition Refund Policy

College Policy requires fees and tuition to be paid in full on or before the published due dates for each semester unless the student has guaranteed financial aid on their account or has enrolled in a semester-based payment plan on Cashnet. Tuition and fees may be refunded (or reduced) according to the Add/Drop Refund Calendar policy, which can be accessed online via the Registrar’s webpage Registrar – Fontbonne

Requirements for Official Withdrawal from Classes

A student is expected to complete the official withdrawal procedures in the event he or she wishes to drop a class. Failing to attend a class or calling the university does not constitute an official withdrawal. Complete instructions on how to officially withdraw from classes are available in the Fontbonne Catalog:

Recalculations of Financial Aid After Withdrawal/Federal Student Aid Repayment (Return of Title IV Aid)

Students who receive Federal financial aid and withdraw, drop or stop participating in class may lose some or all of the financial aid that has already been disbursed.

Federal regulations require the university to calculate a return of Title IV funds on all federal financial aid for students who stop participating in, withdraw or drop a class on or before they reach the 60% attendance point for their semester.

The university must return the funds no later than 45 days after this determination.

Students who owe a debt to the university as a result of this calculation are personally responsible for payment of these charges.

Students will receive written notification of the adjustments to the financial aid package, which will indicate if a post-withdrawal disbursement is allowed. Students receiving Institutional grants or scholarships may receive a prorated amount based on the tuition adjustment schedule.

Failure to properly withdraw from the University will result in the adjustment of financial aid after the end of the semester. Therefore, it is imperative that students follow the University withdrawal process.  Financial Information – Fontbonne University – Acalog ACMS™


Textbook Information

The Fontbonne Bookstore provides a list of the textbooks for all classes each semester. The booklist is available online at

Fontbonne will allow a student to charge books to their account if they have been approved for financial aid in excess of their tuition and fees. A book voucher can be requested each semester by filling out the form on​/business-department/?role=studentpage. The Financial Services  Office will confirm eligibility, and students will receive an email confirmation from TextbookX within 48 hours after submitting the application (unless other circumstances require additional review time). Generally, book vouchers are available one month prior to the first day of classes and will remain available to request and use for the first few days into the semester. Bookstore vouchers are not free.  The charge is added to the student account, reducing the overall credit from Financial Aid.  Any unauthorized purchases (non-textbook or approved supplies) will be the responsibility of the student. 

Descriptions of Educational Programs

Information about Fontbonne’s academic programs, degree offerings, and plans for future programs are available online at

Class Offerings

Fontbonne offers hundreds of courses at a variety of times and formats. Students must meet with an advisor to ensure they are on the right track for their degree program. A current list of class offerings is available online at


Fontbonne offers access to academic programs on their campus located in St. Louis, Missouri, and at off-campus additional locations. The Board of Trustees voted to end instruction and close the university after the summer 2025 term, and Fontbonne is not admitting new students. 


Effective instruction is the passion of Fontbonne faculty. A complete listing of faculty is available online at and in the Fontbonne catalog:

Transfer of Credit Policies

Transfer credit from any post-secondary institution will be considered if regional, national, professional and/or specialized accreditation has been awarded and recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The Higher Education Directory (HED) lists the accredited, degree-granting institutions of post-secondary education in the United States and its outlying areas. More information is available online at

Articulation Agreements

Articulation agreements are partnerships between colleges to help ensure the classes taken at other institutions will transfer to Fontbonne. These agreements are designed to build strong partnerships between community colleges and four-year institutions. A list of colleges which Fontbonne has established articulation agreements is available online at

Accreditation Information

Fontbonne is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504, (800) 621-7440.  Members of the public may view and verify Fontbonne’s accreditation at

All degrees and Teacher certificate programs are approved by the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education. Specific programs at Fontbonne University are approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP), Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Council on the Education of the Deaf, Commission on Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND), Commission for the Council for Social Work Education (CSWE), Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs (ACBSP), and Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Students may review copies of documents regarding entities that accredit, license, or approve the institution and its programs. To obtain this information, students should submit a request to the Academic Affairs Office. Additional information about Fontbonne’s accreditation status may be found online at

Copyright Infringement: Policies and Sanctions

U.S. copyright law states an author owns his or her words the minute they are “fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device” (U.S. Code: Title 17, Section 101). Students should be careful to honor copyright law especially when using electronic mediums of communication. Students should not electronically or otherwise publish, without the permission of the copyright owner, any material they did not write themselves.

Accusation of academic dishonesty puts the burden of proof on the student, not the instructor. Whether intentional or unintentional, all instances of academic dishonesty could have one of the following consequences (this list is not exclusive): reduction of paper/test/project grade; failure of paper/test/ project with a rewrite or re-creation; failure of paper/test/project without a rewrite or re-creation; reduction of course grade; failed course grade; expulsion from the course; or expulsion from Fontbonne. Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. For more information, please see the website of the U. S. Copyright Office online at

A complete version of Fontbonne’s policies related to the use of copyright material and Academic Dishonesty can be found in the Fontbonne Student Handbook online. 


Computer Use and File Sharing

Computing resources are available to all members of the campus community for the purpose of supporting the educational mission of the university. Access to and use of Fontbonne University computing resources must accord with all local, state, federal and international laws and with university policies and procedures. The complete policy is available online at

Student Activities

In addition to NCAA Division III athletics, Fontbonne students have a number of campus organizations in which they can participate. A complete list of student organizations is available online at

Student Financial Aid

Fontbonne students may receive financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, scholarships, and work-study programs, from Federal, State, Local, and Institutional Programs. Fontbonne offers several institutional and endowment funded scholarship programs and is authorized to participate in the Federal Pell Grant Program, the Federal Stafford Loan Program (Subsidized and Unsubsidized), the Federal College Work-Study, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, Access Missouri Grant, Marguerite Ross Barnett Scholarship and the Missouri Bright Flight. A complete description of all programs can be found online at

In addition, comprehensive student aid information is available from the U. S. Department Education’s Student Aid on the Web online at

How to Apply for Financial Aid (Including Student Loans)

All financial aid applicants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year to initiate a request for financial aid at Fontbonne. The FAFSA may be completed online at Fontbonne’s federal school code, 002464, must be provided on the FAFSA in order for a student’s information to be sent to Fontbonne electronically from the U.S. Department of Education. To sign the FAFSA on the Web electronically a student must apply for an FSA ID at Create Account | Federal Student Aid h. Some programs have additional application requirements. A full description of each financial aid program, application requirements, application forms, general eligibility requirements, a financial aid checklist and other financial aid information are available online at

Satisfactory Academic Process

Fontbonne students receiving federal financial aid are required to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards, according to federal and state laws and regulations. Satisfactory Academic Progress is the term used to denote a student’s successful completion of course work toward a degree. Students must maintain specific academic progress requirements in order to be eligible for financial aid; a complete copy of the SAP standards are available online at Financial Aid FAQs – Fontbonne

How Financial Aid Eligibility is Determined and Need-Based Aid is Awarded

Eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant and other need-based aid will be determined by evaluating several factors, including, but not limited to, the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) results from the current year’s FAFSA, the number of credit hours in which the student is enrolled for the current semester, and the amount of Federal Pell Grant funds the student has previously received. More information is available online at

Estimated Costs for Attending Fontbonne

The Financial Services Office establishes standard student budgets each year as a basis for awarding financial aid funds. These budgets reflect typical “modest but adequate” expense patterns of Fontbonne University students. While actual expenses will vary based on each student’s lifestyle and level of enrollment, estimated costs should assist students when planning their budgets.

Method and Frequency of Financial Aid Disbursements

The Financial Services Office will notify students, within the contents of the Financial Aid Award Letter, of their expected loan disbursement dates. The Financial Services  Office will credit (post) financial aid awards to student accounts as they are received by the university. Any and all monies received will be applied to the student account first to pay all outstanding charges. Federal Pell Grant funds, Federal Direct Student Loan and Federal Parent PLUS Loan funds are issued in payments called “disbursements”. If a credit balance occurs on an account as a result of the disbursement(s), the Financial Services  Office will prepare a refund. A student can enroll for direct deposit starting from their student portal at  From there, they can click the option to “enroll in eRefund through Cashnet” and sign up with their bank account of choice. The refund date will be within 14 days of disbursement of excess funds. The student will receive communication from Cashnet (Transact) on behalf of Fontbonne once the refund has been processed. 

Please note: Students are not guaranteed a refund on the disbursement date. Any time a student receives Aid in excess of their charges, the Financial Services Office will issue a refund for the credit balance within fourteen (14) days after all charges are paid in full.

Financial Aid Shopping Sheet

In compliance with the Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses, and other Family Members, also known as Executive Order 13607, Fontbonne provides The Shopping Sheet, which is a resource to help consumers understand their educational costs and the aid available to meet those costs. Developed by the U. S. Department of Education, it provides a simplified overview of financial aid, and should be considered supplemental information to the Fontbonne Financial Aid Award Letter and Award Letter Guide. The information provided also includes graduation rates, loan default rates, median borrowing and estimated monthly loan payments after graduation. Before a student can view his Shopping Sheet he must complete admissions requirements and complete the annual Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). A student may access his Federal Shopping Sheet by logging into Griffinnet. More information about the Shopping Sheet is available online at

Entrance Loan Counseling for Student Borrowers

ALL first-time borrowers at Fontbonne must complete online Student Loan Entrance Counseling. This may be completed online at  Entrance Counseling | Federal Student Aid

Exit Counseling for Student Borrowers

All student loan borrowers are required to complete exit counseling before they withdraw, graduate or reduce their enrollment status to less than half time (less than six (6) hours). Fontbonne will notify loan borrowers of this requirement and will require Exit Counseling to be completed online at  Exit Counseling | Federal Student Aid

Student Loan Postponing Payment Options

If a student loan borrower experiences financial hardship, he or she may postpone student loan payments if he or she meets specific eligibility criteria. Postponement options are called deferment of forbearance. More information may be obtained directly from the Student Loan Servicer and online at  Manage Loans | Federal Student Aid

Federal Student Aid

A student can find information about their student loans—Direct Loans, FFEL Program Loans, and Federal Perkins Loans—by accessing A federal student aid (FAFSA) PIN is needed to access.

Code of Conduct for Student Loans

Fontbonne adheres to a code of conduct regarding relationships with providers of private educational loans. A complete copy of the policy is available online at: Although Fontbonne does not recommend private educational loans, at the request of a student applicant for a private educational loan, Fontbonne will provide the official Private Education Loan Applicant Self-Certification form

Preferred Lender List

Fontbonne University does not have Preferred Lender Arrangements.

The Student Loan Ombudsman

The Federal Student Aid Ombudsman Group is where individuals can turn after trying other ways to resolve a federal student aid dispute. Assistance requests are generated from phone calls, letters and e-mails, and are classified as either general assistance or research problem assistance. Learn more about ombudsman principles online at

Terms of Student Loans, Necessity of Repayment and Sample Repayment Schedule

Direct Loans are low-interest loans for students and parents to help pay for the cost of a student’s education after high school. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education, though the entity the borrower deals with, the loan servicer, can be a private business. Student loans are a debt which must be repaid. More information about student loans and a sample repayment schedule online at

Terms/Conditions of Financial Aid Employment

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program may provide jobs for eligible students. Students may be hired in offices, the library, as Learning Center tutors, or elementary school tutors. FWS is open to all students who meet the Federal requirements. Students interested in finding FWS Jobs should visit the Career Development Office.

The Financial Services Office will work with the hiring department along with Career Services to determine eligibility for FWS. Please see the Student’s Guide to the Federal Work-Study Program for all eligibility requirements and application procedures online at

Concerns about Financial Aid Fraud

On Nov. 5, 2000, Congress passed the College Scholarship Fraud Prevention Act to enhance protection against fraud in student financial assistance by establishing stricter sentencing guidelines for criminal financial aid fraud. If a student believes they is a victim of scholarship fraud, wishes to file a complaint, or wants more information, she should call (877) FTC-HELP or go online at

Financial Aid for Study Abroad

Fontbonne University does not sponsor any study abroad programs.  Therefore, if a student wishes to study abroad, they will need to contact another institution and enroll through them for the semester they intend to travel.  Because the student is not attending Fontbonne, they are not eligible to receive Institution grants and scholarships.  However, if the student completes a Consortium agreement between Fontbonne and the other institution, Fontbonne could process federal and state aid assuming the student meets all other eligibility requirements set by the Federal and State governments.  More information is available online at

Federal Student Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations

If a student has been convicted of possessing or selling illegal drugs, they may not be eligible to receive federal student aid. More information is available online at  Eligibility for Students with Criminal Convictions | Federal Student Aid.

Health and Safety

Campus Safety and Security

Fontbonne University is committed to assisting all members of the Fontbonne community in providing for their own safety and security. We encourage all students and staff to review our Security webpage at for detailed information pertaining to Security. Topics include: Crisis Management Plan, Crime Prevention Tips, Crime Awareness, Crime Log and Statistics, Emergency response evacuation procedures, Fire Log, Fire Safety, Security Reports, and Vehicle Policies/Parking.

Each year, Fontbonne University prepares the annual security and fire safety compliance document. The campus security report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning certain crimes reported to have occurred on campus, in off-campus buildings, and on property owned or controlled by Fontbonne, as well as public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning crime prevention and the reporting of crimes.

In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Act, the annual security and fire safety compliance document is available on the Fontbonne website. A hard copy of the Annual Security Report and/or additional information regarding public safety may be obtained from the Dean of Students, located in Ryan Hall, Room 306 on the Fontbonne campus, or by calling (314) 719-8057.

Timely Warning Policy

Fontbonne University will follow the conditions of the Jeanne Clery Act regarding the issuance of timely warnings concerning crimes reported to Fontbonne Security or local law enforcement. A complete copy of Fontbonne’s Timely Warning Policy can be found online at

To subscribe to our text-messaging system for receiving notifications to mobile phones about “emergencies” on campus (i.e., classes cancelled because of snow, security incidences, etc.), all students, faculty and staff should use complete the form online at

Missing Student Policy

Fontbonne University will follow the conditions of the Jeanne CLERY Act regarding issues of a missing student. For a complete copy of this policy, see

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy

Fontbonne University is committed to the education and development of students, faculty and staff regarding the prevention of drug and alcohol use. In order to provide the best possible educational environment, students are expected to attend class and employees are required to report to work in an appropriate mental and physical condition. It is the intent and obligation of the university to provide a drug- and alcohol-free, healthy, safe, and secure environment in compliance with the Drug Free Workplace Act and the Drug Free School and Communities Act.

Students and employees, as a condition of employment, must abide by the terms of this policy and report any convictions under a criminal drug/alcohol statute for violations occurring on or off university premises, at university-sponsored activities, or while otherwise conducting university business. A report of conviction must be made to the President’s Office within five days of the conviction. This requirement is mandated for all employees by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.

A complete copy of this policy will be distributed each year to students and staff. A copy of the policy is also available in the Fontbonne Policy Manuals, Volume II, available here:

Vaccination Policy

Much publicity and concern have arisen during the past several years about college students contracting meningitis, although the disease is considered rare.

Students living in residence halls may have a higher risk of contracting meningitis. The American College Health Association states that all college students should consider vaccination to reduce their risk. Students should consult their family doctor or area health clinic for more information and recommendations. All students who reside in Fontbonne’s residence halls should review all of the information about infectious diseases and consider the recommendations AND must show proof of meningitis vaccination or sign a waiver of liability.

More information about the Meningococcal Vaccination is available online at

Student Outcomes/Student-Right-To-Know Act

Graduation, Retention and Transfer-Out Rates

Fontbonne University is committed to providing a learning environment and support system which encourage students to achieve their educational goals. Whether a student is engaged in a single course or a full program of study, Fontbonne is dedicated to student success. For a complete report of graduation and retention rates, go online at

College Navigator Website

The National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) provides a College Navigator website for each college to assist students in their search of finding the right college. Fontbonne’s information is available online at

Employment for Graduates

Information about job placement rates and types of employment obtained by Fontbonne graduates, may be obtained online at More information about Fontbonne’s Career and Placement Services is available online at

Athletic Program Participation and Financial Support

As a member of the NCAA Division III, Fontbonne University does not provide scholarships to student athletes for their athletic performance.  In order for a student to achieve his/her greatest potential, regular attendance in all classes is necessary. Fontbonne University expects all students including student athletes to exert every effort to achieve their highest level of academic potential. Therefore, guidelines for class attendance and academic progress will be followed.

As part of The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, information on annual participation rates and financing of men’s and women’s sports in intercollegiate athletic programs is available by request to students and the general public. A copy of the current disclosure is available online at

For more information, contact the Athletic Department at:

6800 Wydown Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63105
Phone: 314-889-1444

Additional Consumer Information

Voter Registration

As required by National Voter Registration Act and the Higher Education Act, Fontbonne University encourages students who meet voter registration guidelines to register to vote and participate in the democratic process for all federal and state elections. Sixty (60) days prior to general and special elections for federal offices and elections of the Governor and other chief executives of the State of Missouri, Fontbonne will make a good faith effort to distribute voter registration information and forms to our enrolled degree-seeking students. Voter Registration Qualifications include: 17 ½ years of age to register, 18 years of age to vote, U.S. Citizen, and Missouri Resident.

Missouri residents can access the forms necessary to register to vote at

Additional information can be found on the Missouri Secretary of State’s website at

Constitution Day

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day are observed each year on September 17 to commemorate the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787, and “recognize all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become citizens.” Each educational institution which receives Federal funds is required by law to hold an educational program on the United States Constitution for Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.

Non-Discrimination Policy Statement

Fontbonne University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law in employment or in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, educational programs, scholarship and loan programs, or athletic and other programs and activities. Furthermore, Fontbonne University prohibits retaliation against anyone who either opposes unlawful discrimination, assists or participates in an investigation of a complaint of discrimination, or exercises that person’s rights under any law that forbids discrimination.

The Fontbonne University coordinator for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination is:

Director of Human Resources
Fontbonne University
6800 Wydown Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63105
Phone: (314) 889-1493


The Fontbonne University Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators for Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 are:

Janelle Julian 
Dean of Students
Fontbonne University 
6800 Wydown Blvd.   
St. Louis, MO 63105  
Phone: (314) 719-8057


Director of Athletics
Danielle Doerfler  
Associate Athletic Director  
Fontbonne University  
6800 Wydown Blvd.   
St. Louis, MO 63105  
Phone: (314) 889-4540 

Questions about this non-discrimination policy and any complaints of discrimination shall be directed to the appropriate coordinator. Fontbonne University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-380, as amended.

Student Complaint Policy

Fontbonne University is dedicated to providing an excellent educational experience for all students. The university recognizes the importance of resolving student concerns and grievances in a timely and effective manner. In registering concerns and filing appeals, Fontbonne students must follow the policies and procedures that have been established by the university or within the unit about which the concern is being filed. Generally, these policies and procedures require that students begin by discussing the matter with the staff, faculty, or department in which the issue originated. Notable exceptions include complaints alleging discrimination or harassment.

If a student believes that a policy or procedure has been incorrectly or unfairly applied in his/her particular case, or a complaint does not fall within a specific policy, and efforts to resolve the concern have not been successful, the student may file a formal complaint. 

A formal complaint is defined as any nontrivial complaint, either academic or nonacademic, that is submitted formally in writing by a student to a member of the Executive Leadership Team or the Director of Human Resources either through:

  1. A written complaint
  2. An email sent from a verified student email account
  3. The Fontbonne University complaint form
  4. One of the mechanisms defined for Title VI, Title VII, Age Discrimination, Section 504 complaints, or any other complaint covered by Fontbonne’s Notice of Non-Discrimination.

Not every written communication from a student is considered a complaint. For example, the following would not be considered a complaint: requests for exception to university policies, written letters expressing a general dislike of a university policy, and complaints submitted to a person other than a member of the Executive Leadership Team or Director of Human Resources. 

Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the office or person that receives the complaint will acknowledge the complaint. Formal complaints about a faculty or staff member in an academic department or regarding a course or academic program will be directed to Academic Affairs. Other formal complaints will be directed to the Vice President responsible for the department or individual against which the complaint is made. Formal complaints about a Vice President will be directed to the Office of the President. Each person or office who receives a complaint will maintain a record of when the complaint was received, any actions taken, and the final resolution.  Students should receive an official response to complaints within 30 days. The receiving office will send notice of the final resolution to the Office of Academic Affairs, which maintains a record of all formal complaints. The Executive Leadership Team will semiannually review formal complaints to improve university processes.

Nothing in this policy shall be construed to be construed to modify any procedures for handling complaints covered by Title VI, Title VII, Age Discrimination, Section 504 complaints, or any other complaint covered by Fontbonne’s Notice of Non-Discrimination.

Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (MDHEWD) serves as the clearinghouse for complaints concerning colleges and universities authorized to operate in the State of Missouri, acting on those within its purview, and forwarding those that are not to other entities for their appropriate action. Per MDHEWD policy, exhaustion of all informal and formal institutional processes, including both campus processes and any applicable system processes, is a prerequisite to filing any formal complaint with the Department. The complete MDHEWD complaint policy may be found

The MDHEWD may be contacted at:

Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development 

301 W High St., PO Box 1469 

Jefferson City, MO 65101-1469 

Phone: (573) 751-2361 

Fax: (573) 751-6635 


The Missouri Attorney General’s Office website may be found at

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We do not track individual users. Your email address or other personal information is not collected unless you provide it on a form, survey or application. We will not sell or otherwise make available any personally identifiable information to any organization not directly affiliated with us. We will comply with legitimate government or legal requests as necessary to protect our organization or to comply with laws.

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We analyze traffic to this site. We collect statistical data on an aggregated basis through Google Analytics. For example, we collect information about the domain names of servers that bring visitors to our site. We count the number of visitors and keep track of where they go on our site. Such information allows us to find out what areas users visit most frequently and what services they access the most, which enables us to create a better overall user experience. To gather such data, we use cookie technology, which collects data in aggregate form, not by individual user.


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Our site contains links to other sites and Internet resources. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these third-party websites and Internet resources.

Updates To Privacy Policy

We may update the privacy policy periodically, and we encourage visitors to review them on a regular basis.

Last revised: June 2015

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