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HEERF Stimulus Funding Updates

HomeHEERF Stimulus Funding Updates

HEERF Stimulus Funding

Congress passed three economic stimulus bills that allocated funds to higher education institutions. Originally known as the CARES Act when the first bill was signed these packages have now been renamed HEERF (Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds). The allocations were based on the institution’s enrollment of Federal Pell Grant recipients and the total number of students who do not receive this aid.

Fontbonne University was required initially to apply for these funds through two separate grants that included one for students and then separately funds to assist with the cost of the pandemic to the institution and lost revenues attributable to COVID-19. The student funds are being distributed directly to students in the form of emergency grants for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the virus. When the CARES Act was passed Fontbonne began quickly to understand the guidance and how to make the most positive impact our students. We continue to do so with the second and third packages. Guidance has been evolving and we continue to monitor.

The details on these three packages are as follows:

Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act); now referred to as HEERF I

  • Passed March 27, 2020
  • HEERF I funding = approximately $986k ($493k for students and $493k for institution)
  • Funds available as of May 4, 2020

Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA); now referred to as HEERF II

  • Passed December 27, 2020
  • HEERF II funding = approximately $1,567k ($493k for students and $1,074k for institution)
  • Funds available as of January 17, 2021

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA); now referred to as HEERF III

  • Passed March 11, 2021
  • HEERF III funding = approximately $2,786k ($1,403k students and $1,383k for institution)
  • Funds available May 18, 2021


If you have not already done so, please complete the request for the CARES Act Emergency Aid found hereThis request form will be available until August 28, or until funds are depleted — whichever comes first.

To apply for possible additional emergency funds, whether or not you are eligible for the CARES Act funds, please complete the application here.

The Fontbonne Emergency Fund team will follow-up with you about your application within 72 hours of receipt.

Various organizations in the St. Louis region are also providing additional support resources that might be of assistance to you. They can be found here (please note – this website works best with a Google browser).

Federal Aid Opportunities for Students in Need

Through the Federal CARES Act, Fontbonne has received emergency grant funding to assist students who have incurred expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID-19.

Students are eligible for CARES Act funds if they have filed a 2019-20 FAFSA and have incurred expenses related to the disruption of campus operations as a result of the COVID-19. Federal guidelines prohibit the University from distributing CARES Act funds to international, undocumented or DACA students, or those who were already enrolled exclusively in online instruction. Please contact the Financial Aid Office ( if you have questions about your eligibility or need assistance filing a FAFSA.

Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria for CARES Act funds and are in need of financial assistance are still encouraged to fill out the request form because there may be alternative funding sources available.

Students who either did not incur additional expenses or do not need financial assistance should indicate they decline CARES Act assistance so the University can reallocate those funds to assist other students in need.

Complete the CARES Act Request Form here.

These funds will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while the funds are available therefore we encourage you to respond as soon as you are able.  The University will disburse funds directly to the bank account on record for direct deposit.  If you need to set up your account for direct deposit or update the bank account on file, please contact the Business Office ( for assistance. Students not enrolled in direct deposit will receive a check mailed to the address listed on file. Please note that mailed checks may delay how quickly a student receives their funds.

It is important your address and contact information is current to avoid delays in processing fund distribution and to assist us in contacting you if needed.  To update your contact information, log into GriffinNet with your username and password, select Edit Address on the top left, and update your local address to let us know where you are currently residing.

Fontbonne faculty, staff and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet always hold our students and their families in our hearts.  Our focus on Serving the Dear Neighbor is heightened now while so many in our community are hurting as they cope with the uncertainty of this pandemic situation.  Please know we continue to hold you in prayer for your safety and well-being.  We look forward to your return to campus-we miss seeing you!

Disclaimer: At this time, federal guidance requires that this grant aid be reported on your 2020 1098-T form but the funds are not considered taxable income to you.

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