Executive Vice President and Provost - Professor
Office: Ryan 204
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, Indiana University, August 2006 Thesis: New Families of Embedded Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces of Genus Three in Euclidean Space Advisor: Matthias Weber
- Master of Arts in Mathematics, Indiana University, 2002
- Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics (summa cum laude), Eastern Illinois University, 2001
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science (summa cum laude), Eastern Illinois University, 2001
Courses Taught
- Fontbonne Courses: MTH 095 – Fundamentals of AlgebraMTH 103 – Excursions into Modern Mathematics
- Courses elsewhere:Introduction to Mathematics for the Liberal Arts, Logic, College Algebra, Precalculus, Calculus I, Calculus II, Discrete Mathematics, Logic and Reasoning, Linear Algebra I, Number Theory, Introduction to Real Analysis, Real Analysis I, Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry, Senior Seminar, Content and Pedagogy of Discrete Mathematics, Mathematics and Politics, Foundations of Integrative Studies, and a summer professional development course for elementary teachers
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